September 28, 2002 until October 3, 2002





The program will be based on a set of formal presentations by invited speakers. Abstracts for presentation, predominantly as posters, will be accepted from instructed attendees. In select cases, some abstracts will be presented orally, depending on the quality, quantity, and the extent to which the work complements the subject of a given formal session. There will be ample time for discussion among participants and a strong emphasis on fostering new and collaborative studies to address outstanding questions in the field. Presentations will be in English. Available at the conference will be a book published from a similar meeting in 1998 about Peroxidases at this location in 2000 by Springer Publishing Company, Heidelberg-New York. We intend to have the presentations from the 2002 meeting published subsequently.

Abb. 2.45 aus Löffler/Petrides: Biochemie und Pathobiochemie 6. Auflage 1998
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg NewYork 1998
Zeichnungen: BITmap, Mannheim