September 24, 2005 until September 29, 2005







Wednesday, September 28, 2005

07.50 a.m
BREAKFAST BUFFET at the Klosterwirt

08.30 a.m
L-22 Thrombocyte development in Zebrafish

Robert Handin, Harvard Medical School,  Boston MA, USA

09.10 a.m
L-23 Dynamic imaging of pericellular proteolysis

Peter Friedl, Univ. of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany

09.50 a.m

VI. Thrombosis and disease

10.20 a.m
L-24 Tissue factor and atherothrombosis

James Hathcock, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, USA

11.00 a.m
L-25 Thrombotic complications in ET:
Clinical facts and biochemical riddles

Petro E.Petrides, University of Munich, Munich, Germany

11.30 a.m
L-26  Aspirin sensitive, coumarin resistant platelet mediated microvascular disturbances: minor and major thrombosis and bleeding manifestations in ET and PV

Jan Jacques Michiels, Rotterdam University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

12.10 p.m
Oral Poster Presentations

01.00 p.m

02.00 p.m
L-27 Platelets in the onset of atherosclerosis

Meinrad Gawaz, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany

02.40 p.m
L-28 Met Oncogene: a link between cancer and hemostasis

Carla Boccaccio & Paolo Comoglio, University of Torino, Torino, Italy

03.20 p.m

03.40 p.m
L-29 Activated Protein C and cebrovascular thrombosis

John Griffin, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla CA,  USA

VII. Novel Targets for Anti-Thrombotic Therapy

04.20 p.m
L-30 Ectonucleotidases of the CD39/NTPDase family modulate platelet activation and thrombus formation: potential as therapeutic targets

Simon Robson, Harvard Medical Schoo, Boston MA, USA

05.00 p.m
L-31 P2Y Receptors

Christian Gachet, Etablissement Francais, Strasbourg, France

05.40 p.m
L-32 Novel platelet receptor targets

David Phillips, Portola Company, San Francisco CA, USA

08.00 p.m